Hey folks, it’s your buddy Party Dan! Yep, we’re back for another round of ‘Dan Does Melbourne’, where I travel around to pretty much every Melbourne party venue and gives you the absolute dirt on all of them. The good the bad, the balloons, the punch, the clean-up service, the absolute dish.
Today will be a bit different, though, so hold onto your seats, party fans! I’m about to get all political, because one of my favourite party hangouts just closed down and I’m all down about it. Totally down, bro-skis. Don’t know how I’m going to recover, now that Ingrid’s Pizza Parlour and Game-Stop is gone. So many memories, all of them just down the drain so quickly. In terms of party venues, I think it used to be one of Melbourne’s absolute best, because…well, games and pizza! Ingrid was awesome, one of the coolest old people I’ve ever met. Like, she was full of wisdom and so much sass. She wanted everyone to have a super rad party time, all the time, and the pizza was like it was delivered straight from heaven, here in thirty minutes or you get into heaven free. Or whatever. SO GOOD.
I guess it’s better that Ingrid’s didn’t close down through any fault of its own. Old Ingrid has gone back to Italy to live out the rest of her old age in her mountain village, which I think is a super awesome way to be doing things. I bet she’ll still be making pizza and giving advice to all the bambinos up until she croaks. Hey, that was her language, not mine!
So, people who loved Ingrid’s, it’s a waiting game to see what it turns into! Hopefully not a soulless corporate franchise with no concern for its customers, ha ha!
Might be best to find a birthday party venue, Melbourne has a lot of great places to have a function. Stay tuned next week for my ultimate top ten list! Stay cool and party hard, bro-skis!
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